About me:

My love for writing and a desperate desire to consume more media that focused centered those who dare to be vulnerable brought me to Substack, hope you enjoy reading my discombobulated musings. My newsletter has no structure, and I write in a free-form pattern to express myself with autonomy.

Why subscribe?

Well… if you are here, I probably recommended that you subscribe or you stumbled across a post of mine from social media. Nevertheless, if you are one to surf the web passionately looking for identity-specific reflections on current events or just personal essays then you are in the right place.

Subscribe to creating a new world

I started using substack in the early stages of the pandemic to express myself and put my ramblings onto paper -- this blog is my safe space for me to publish and share personal essays and my occasional reflections on life and current events.


just a safe space for me to write about my thoughts and encounters in this temporary transitional world